Patron Anejo Tequila 750ml
Patron Anejo Tequila is a handcrafted tequila made in Jalisco, Mexico that rewards your passion for tequila with a perfect blend of timeless style and genuine craftsmanship. Made from the finest 100% Weber Blue Agave and aged for 12 to 15 months in oak whiskey barrels, this tequila liquor delivers oak wood with notes of vanilla, raisin and honey balanced with a smoky, caramel finish for a spirit that is as remarkable in quality as it is in status. Mix this tequila Anejo into a number of enjoyable alcohol drinks like a Paloma, Mai Tai or Old Fashioned cocktail. Please Drink Responsibly.
- One 750 ml bottle of Patron Anejo Tequila
- This Patron Anejo Tequila is handcrafted from the finest 100% Weber Blue Agave and carefully distilled in Jalisco, Mexico
- Patron Anejo tequila alcohol delivers oak wood aromas with notes of vanilla, raisin and honey
- The unique flavor of this tequila is created through a 12 to 15 month aging process in oak whiskey barrels
- Patron Anejo Tequila is 40% alcohol by volume
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