Cincoro Blanco Tequila 750ml
Cincoro Tequila Blanco is unaged, and is made with 100% Weber blue agave from both the highlands and lowlands of Jalisco, Mexico. By combining agave from two distinct appellations, our Cincoro Tequila Blanco is smooth on the palate, with great complexity and finish. Reflective of the terroir, fresh and cooked agave permeate, with light vanilla and citrus undertones, derived from a meticulous small-batch production process.
Cincoro tequilas are characterized by their smoothness, richness, and deliciousness. Words rarely used to describe tequila. Cincoro Tequila Blanco is incredibly versatile, it can be best enjoyed neat in proper stemware, or mixed in a classic cocktail. When enjoying neat, the layers of aroma and flavor evolve in the glass, reflecting the unique attributes of our highland and lowland agave. Even the shape of the bottle was inspired by the Weber Blue Agave leave. Perfect for any special occasion, especially sipping and savoring with family and friends.
Bottle Size: 750ml
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