Patron Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml
Patron Extra Anejo tequila is crafted from Mexico’s highest-quality 100 percent Weber Blue Agave. Patron Extra Anejo Tequila is then distilled in small batched using both the traditional “tahona” process and the modern roller mill method. This gives the tequila its signature smooth taste. Patron Extra Anejo Tequila is then aged in a combination of new and used American, French, and Hungarian Oak barrels for at least three full years, giving it a unique flavor of dry fruits, banana, honey, and vanilla, with a light flavor of agave.
- COLOR – Bright, dark gold
- AROMA – Dry fruits, vanilla & light banana
- TASTE – Fruity with notes of light agave, honey & vanilla
- FINISH – Oak, vanilla & dry fruits
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