Amor Mio Anejo Tequila 750ml
Amor Mio Anejo Tequila is a smooth drink that has a rich caramel flavor that comes with a very sophisticated finish to make it a world-class Tequila. Amor Mio Anejo Tequila is packed in a beautiful bottle that corresponds with the rich taste and flavor of the drink. Try Amor Mio Anejo Tequila, and you will fall in love on the first sip.
Scent: Vanilla, cinnamon and prune, hazelnut, wood.
Color: Transparent with golden and coppery sparkles.
Taste: Vanilla, cinnamon, cooked agave, prune, wood, hazelnuts and nuts.
Pairing: It is recommended for sweet foods and desserts, vanilla ice cream, crepes. Excellent digestive
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