Casa Dragones Joven Tequila 750ml
Casa Dragones Joven Tequila has rich silk body, with brilliant platinum hues and long pronounced legs, indicating a full body with a sleek texture on the palate. Casa Dragones Joven Tequila has Fresh and inviting aromas, subtle floral and citrus aroma with notes of sweet roasted agave. Soft and smooth with hints of vanilla and spiced undertones, balanced with delicate notes of pear. Clean, warm finish with hints of hazelnut and a bright, open aftertaste.
Casa Dragones is 100% Blue Agave Joven Tequila, handcrafted in small batches in Tequila, Mexico. Our Maestro Tequilero hand finishes each bottle by gently balancing silver tequila with a hint of extra aejo. Our entire process is designed with a singular purpose: to deliver a tequila so smooth, it can only be called a sipping tequila.
To create a tequila that is smooth enough to sip, we started with the centuries-old art of tequila making and modernized it through an innovative process. The result is a tequila unlike any other. Casa Dragones is uniquely smooth, with a refined character and softer finish. And because it??s a sipping tequila, Casa Dragones Joven Tequila is meant to be savored slowly, one sip at a time.
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