Cazadores Extra Anejo Tequila 750ml
Cazadores Extra Anejo Tequila is a limited edition, 100% Blue Agave Tequila aged for 3 years in new American oak barrels creating deep gold liquid, vanilla flavors and notes of cinnamon, roasted apples and nutmeg. Made with character, strength. Tequila Cazadores Agaves are sliced and steamed in a stainless steel autoclave for 10-12 hours, then heated, grinded, & diffused. An all natural 7-day fermentation process begins afterward, to the sounds of Mozart, Symphony No. 40. It is then double distilled in stainless steel pot stills. The nose shows caramel, hazelnuts, meringue, earth, toffee and apples baked with spices. Beginning with flavors that follow the aromas, the tastes are layered and svelte evolving with sumptuous tones of bittersweet chocolate, toasted oak, spices, roasted nuts and grilled fruits. Try Cazadores Extra Anejo Tequila neat in a snifter or with a cigar.
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