Cincoro Anejo Tequila 750ml
Cincoro Anejo Tequila by Michael Jordan is uniquely made with the highest quality 100% Blue Weber agave from both the highland and lowland regions of Jalisco, Mexico. The agave is hand-selected, slow-cooked, distilled and barrel-aged separately in underground cellars before being artfully blended into a single exceptional tequila. This is the heart of Cincoro: a naturally rich and delicious family of tequilas with an ultra-smooth long finish for a taste unlike any other.
- Aged 24-28 in used Kentucky Bourbon barrels
- Cincoro Anejo Tequila is very approachable, sweet, and highly sippable Tequila
- Bottle and packaging are a commissioned piece from Mark Smith, Vice President of Innovation Special Projects at Nike
- 80 proof / 40% ABV
- 1438 / Destiladora del Valle de Tequila / Tequila, Jalisco
- Bottle Size: 750mL
Aroma:oak, cooked agave, salted caramel, maple, sweet orange
Palate:cooked agave, dark chocolate, caramel, orange peel, toasted oak, butterscotch
Finish:smooth and warm, this luxury sipping tequila finishes with hints of dried fruits and butter
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