Clase Azul & Don Julio 1942 Tequila Combo Package 750ml
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 750ml
Clase Azul Reposado Tequila made from the finest blue agave plants in Mexico, Clase Azul Tequila offers a complex and sophisticated flavor. Whether you’re looking for a tequila as a present for a loved one or something you can enjoy either by itself or paired with other liquids.Every bottle is created in Mexico and inspired by traditional recipes and values. The bottles themselves are a work of art. In fact, they are hand-crafted and painted individually.
Don Julio 1942 Aejo Tequila 750ml
An Aejo tequila created to celebrate the year that Don Julio Gonzalez began his tequila-making journey. Aged in oak barrels for two and a half years. Serve on the rocks or neat. Warm oak, vanilla and roasted agave flavors lead into a lingering oak and rich vanilla finish for a luxurious tequila recognized by connoisseurs around the globe. This Aejo tequila is made with 100% Blue Weber Agave that is ready for any celebration.
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