Don Julio Anejo Tequila 750ml
Don Julio Aejo Tequila is a testament to the craft of making a superior tasting, aged tequila. Rich, distinctive and wonderfully complex, its flavor strikes the perfect balance between agave and hints of butterscotch and honey with a bright and lightly spiced finish. Aged for 18 months and containing 40 percent alcohol by volume, our premium tequila is made with 100% Blue Weber Agave and is ready for any celebration. Don Julio was named One of the Top Trending Tequilas at the 2020 Drinks International awards. Simply serve neat in a snifter or on the rocks for a classic and simple drink. Includes one 80 proof 750 mL bottle of Aejo Tequila. Please drink responsibly.
- One 750 mL bottle of Don Julio Aejo Tequila
- Aged 18 months in American white-oak barrels
- Complex tequila with agave flavor and hints of butterscotch and honey
- Made with 100% Blue Weber Agave
- Perfect as a gift or for any celebration
- Gluten-Free
- Simply serve neat in a snifter or on the rocks for a classic and simple drink.
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