Herradura Legend Anejo Tequila 750ml
Herradura Legend Anejo Tequilais made from the finest 100% blue agave, naturally fermented, distilled and then matured for 14 months in heavily charred, new American White Oak barrels. These special barrels have been deeply grooved, exposing the tequila to more layers of toasted oak, as it patiently ages resulting in a special Aejo tequila with an incredibly rich, deep color and a luxurious and velvety smooth taste.
Color: An intense deep amber
Aroma: Rich with notes of oak, dried fruit, citrus, vanilla, caramel, and roasted agave that harmonize with hints of smokiness and spice.
Taste: Well-rounded with intense flavors of toasted oak, dried fruit, citrus, vanilla and caramel, balanced with notes of spice and sweet roasted agave.
Finish: Herradura Legend Anejo Tequila is smooth and long-lasting.
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