Herradura Ultra Anejo Tequila 750ml
Herradura Ultra Anejo Tequila is an incomparable cristalino aejo tequila. This tequila is produced in Jalisco, Mexico at Casa Herradura. Made from hand-harvested agave and barrel aged to perfection, this premium aejo tequila undergoes a charcoal filtering process that creates a superior clear finish and unparalleled smoothness. Experience this smoothness by rewarding your palate to a fresh margarita or paloma. The complex taste of cooked agave, caramel, honey and toasted almonds make Tequila Herradura Ultra Cristalino Aejo the best tequila for enhancing cocktails.
- One 750 mL bottle of Herradura Ultra Anejo Tequila
- Because of Tequila Herradura’s unique process, Ultra is the smoothest Cristalino Aejo.
- Cristalino tequilas account for nearly 100% of category growth in Mexico, becoming a meaningful opportunity in the U.S. for consumers to experience a new type of beyond smooth tequila.
- Experience an award-winning cristalino anejo with a supremely smooth finish. “Most World’s Most Gold Medal Awarded Tequila. (Infiniti Research, June 2019)”
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