Justin Isosceles 750ml
The Isosceles is a coveted Bordeaux-themed blend sure to appease to any drinker’s palate. Serving as the flagship wine of Justin’s wines, this specific blend brings to cherry, currant, and plum to the table, yielding cocoa finishes and balancing with flavors of French oak.
Appearance:Dark ruby/purple/black core, lighter ruby/purple toward the rim with moderate plus viscosity and slow forming, moderately stained tears.
Aroma: Justin Isosceles 2017 is highly aromatic and complex with lush, ripe black cherry, black currant and boysenberry with vanilla, cinnamon spice, sweet tobacco and savory notes of leather, camphor and cedar.
Palate:full-bodied and luxuriant with ripe black fruit, mostly cherry and black currant with mixed ripe berries and barrel spice on entry. The mid-palate features continued fruit with subtle savory elements of autumn leaf, leather, and cedar with rounded, plush tannins that extend into a long finish featuring black cherry and camphor notes. Justin Isosceles 2017 is a full, complex and rich wine that is drinking nicely on release and will offer added complexity in a few years
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