Justin Wine Bundle Package 750ml
Justin Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles 750ml
There are clear notes of earth, vanilla and slightly toasted oak, complemented by strawberry, raspberry and blackcurrant aromas. The wine has a soft entry, with balanced acidity and tannins, along with strawberry, earth, toasted oak and vanilla flavors.
Justin Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
This has a brilliant pale gold color with initial aromas of boxwood, cantaloupe and citrus notes. Its acidity livens the medium to full-bodied structure. Citrus, boxwood and mineral notes return on the palate for a long, refreshing finish.
Justin Ros?? 750ml
Justin Ros?? is a dry, aromatic, refreshing wine that reminds us that while Ros?? is great on a hot summer day, it is also a versatile wine worth reaching for all year long. A Ros?? of mostly Syrah that is whole cluster pressed and fermented like a white wine, it shows a beautiful salmon color in the glass with bright red fruit, crisp apple and subtle herbal notes.
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