Vega Sicilia Alion 750ml
Ali??n, of outstanding personality, is aged in new French oak barrels for 12 to 14 months and later bottled until it is ready for drinking. Vega Sicilia Alion is, without a doubt, the most universal wine of the family. Vega Sicilia Alionis also intense, complex, full-bodied, where elegance plays a differentiating role being the winerys sign of identity. Its modern, genuine and multicultural character makes it easy to pair.
Country: Spain, Ribera del Duero
Tasting Notes: Aromas of violet, blackberry and plum toggle between fruity and floral, while this ripe-year Tempranillo feels a touch heavy, with hard tannins. Baked blackberry and black-tea flavors culminate on a short finish, with minty oak notes and scrubbing tannins.
Varietal: 100% Tinto Fino
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